Ko čini IAFAA?
International Association of Forensic Accountants and Auditors
About the Association
International Association of Forensic Accountants and Auditors - IAFAA is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan, professional association, established as a legal entity for an indefinite period of time.
We are a leading organization of forensic auditors and accountants with members from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia and we help our members to be ahead of others through regular educational activities, publications, professional literature and shared practical experience.
IAFAA is an association founded with the following goals:
- raising awareness of the existence of fraud in the private, public and non-profit sectors, as well as in the general public;
- fight against fraud and corruption in all sectors, money laundering and terrorism financing;
- acquiring and disseminating knowledge in the field of forensic accounting and auditing to combat fraud and corruption, as well as knowledge in all areas of audit, controlling, financial management and control to improve corporate governance.
Persons elected to Positions
President: Gordana Matović
Potpredsenik: Prof. dr Božo Vukoja
Secretary: Nikola Korbar
Članovi Upravnog odbora
Članovi Nadzornog odbora
Članovi Suda časti
Po statutu, Sud časti radi po IFAC 2018 – Međunarodni kodeks etike za profesionalne računovođe
(see below).
The founding assembly of the International Association of Forensic Accountants and Auditors was held on 29 November, 2019. in Belgrade, when the Statute of the Association was adopted and the Management and Supervisory Board were elected, as well as the Court of Honor.
(Ovaj odeljak biće dodat kasnije.)
Code of Ethics
Po statutu, Sud časti radi po IFAC 2018 – Međunarodni kodeks etike za profesionalne računovođe.
(Ovaj odeljak biće dodat kasnije.)